There are a number of local, national and international support groups available for people living with eye conditions that can lead to blindness or vision impairment.
Although we provide this information in good faith, please remember some are independent groups and any information, services or support provided is beyond our control. Where possible, we recommend trying to make contact with a group to ensure it is still going ahead as advertised.
How to get support
If you have a diagnosis of vision impairment, please contact our friendly team to find out what low vision services and support we can provide to you both now and into the future.
Enquire about low vision support services
Support Groups
BlindSpot Support Group – Mandurah
Run by VisAbility Occupational Therapist in Mandurah
When: Third Wednesday of the Month, 10:00am to 11:30am.
Where: Mandurah Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place, Mandurah WA 6210.
Contact: Contact our Client Experience Team by phone 9311 8202 or email
Short on Sight (SOS) Support Group – Bunbury
Run by VisAbility Occupational Therapist in Bunbury and volunteer
When: 1st Wednesday of each month (February to November), 10:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Bunbury Lotteries House, 101 Victoria Street, Bunbury WA
Contact: Contact our Client Experience Team by phone 9311 8202 or email
Support Group – Geraldton
Run by VisAbility Occupational Therapist who visits the Geraldton area every few months and volunteer.
When: 4th Tuesday of each month, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Where: QE2 Senior Citizens Centre
Contact: Contact our Client Experience Team by phone 9311 8202 or email
Blind Citizens WA
Part of Blind Citizens Australia, they are the public voice of Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired. For more information, visit Blind Citizens WA website (link opens in new window).
Country Meets the City – monthly catchups – Albany
Blind Citizens WA run a monthly catchup in Albany.
Join them for coffee and cake. This is a fantastic way get involved, make new friends, talk and discuss all things blind and vision impaired. If you have any issues you are facing, gain opinions from those who could be experiencing the same thing as you…. Or just to connect, share a story, have a laugh, and meet new people. Please feel free to bring a friend. All welcome. If you are unable to make it in person, join us online through Zoom.
For further information, please call Michelle on 0429 901 195
Future dates:
- 13 October 2023 10:00am
- 10 November 2023 10:00am
- 1 December 2023 10:00am
Bunbury Meet Up and Blind Sports WA Come and Try Day
Blind Citizens WA, in conjunction with Blind Sports WA are running a free meetup and Come and Try Day on 18 November 2023 in Australind, near Bunbury. Its a great opportunity to connect with people with low vision in your area and find out some of the sports and recreational activities on offer in the South West area.
Get more information and register for free tickets (opens in new window).
Albinism Fellowship of Australia – Community Connections Facebook Group (link opens in new window)
Dinner Dates Facebook and Social Group
(Not actually a dating group, more of a social group)
Run by Tammey Fiorini, the social group started for people with little or no sight. It has become popular with both vision impaired and sighted people.
“We meet at a different restaurant place once a fortnight the places are not expensive as most of us rely on a pension. If you are interested, even once a month please message me to add you on to the group.” Email Tammey for more information.
Perth Social Email List
This group of around 50 members is an emaiil list for blind and vision impaired Perthites who are over 18 (as well as their family and friends) who want to get involved in activities around Perth. You can organise and arrange social outings or share information about events, such as upcoming audio described live performances or street festivals, theatre, festivals, tours, trips, walking tours, outings, lunches or parties in Perth and beyond.
The email list is run by Grace King and Les Buchanan, but anyone can organise an event or activity.
To subscribe please send an email to
If you are having difficulties joining, then contact group owner (Grace King) by emailing
Stargardt Disease
Order of the Stargardtians Facebook Group (Western Australia) (link opens in new window)
Stargardts Connected (UK based site) (link opens in new window)
VIP Bushwalking Group
The group is led and supported by volunteers from Perth Bushwalkers Club. They decide on the location and offer lifts to various points in Perth. The walk is usually 5-8km on fairly good paths and followed by a coffee or meal.
This group is affiliated with Friends of Retina Australia and is a support group for those with retinal dystrophys such as retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, Stargardts, and Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis. However, there are people with other forms of vision impairment or blindness also.
Contact Angela for more information about VIP Bushwalking by email: or call on 0422 341 312.
When: Third Sunday of the month during cooler months
Where: Various locations around Perth
Sports Groups
Blind Sports WA
Part of Blind Sports Australia (BSA), Blind Sports WA (link opens in new window) works with local sports clubs and associations in WA to provide accessible sports for people living with vision impairment. They offer a range of sports for people of all ages including golf, AFL, sailing, soccer, tennis, ten-pin bowling and more.
WA Cricket Club for the Blind (The Venetians)
Regular matches are held over the summer. View more information on the Venetians website (link opens in new window) or Venetians Facebook page (link opens in new window).
Blind Low Vision Tennis
Part of Blind Sports Australia, games are usually played on a standard tennis court using modified racquets and balls. The adapted sponge ball makes a noise when it bounces and is usually black or florescent yellow to give maximum contrast against the colour of the court. View more about Blind Low Vision Tennis (link opens in new window).
Goalball WA
An indoor team sport where the aim is to get a ball into the opposing team’s goal. The ball contains a bell to help guide the players. Learn more about Goalball (link opens in new window).
South West Rollers – Blind and Vision Impaired Lawn Bowls Program
An ongoing lawn bowls program run from Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club. The group meets fortnightly, 9:30am to 11:30am. For up to date information, please contact Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club (link opens in new window) for more details.
Swish is a form of table tennis adapted for people who are blind or vision impaired. Members, friends and family are all welcome to come along to our informal afternoons. The cost is $3 and includes tea and coffee. First-time players are free.
Regular players are happy to meet new players for the short walk from Maylands Station to St Luke’s Church Hall. Why not give it a go?
Contact Deanne Ferris for more information about Swish by email:
When: Second Saturday of each month, 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Where: St Luke’s Church Hall in Maylands
WA All Abilities Football Association
Providing people with an intellectual or physical disability to be involved and participate in AFL team games. Learn more about WA All Abilities Football Association (link opens in new window).
WA Blind Golf Association
Runs March to November, 9 or 18 holes at Collier Park and Wembley Golf courses. Contact Gerry on 9293 2517 or Wendy on 0426 847 563 or visit WABGA website (link opens in new window).
Vision Impaired Ballroom Dance
When: Tuesday 6.00pm – 7.00pm, Wednesday 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Where: (Tues) Handa Hall, VisAbility, 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park, (Weds) Mandurah Bowling Club, 89 Allnutt St, Mandurah
Cost: $15 per class
These classes are a fun, social way to help you improve fitness, posture and will exercise both your body and mind. Ballroom Fit will be teaching all the popular ballroom dances including the Cha Cha, Samba, Jive, Tango and Waltz. For Vision Impaired Dance classes the leader and follower communicate with each other through touch and weight transfer. Dancing is for everyone!
Contact Darryl through the Ballroom Fit Facebook page (link opens in new window) or email
Children’s Groups
VisAbility’s Playgroup
Specifically for children with vision impairment, the group meets on Wednesday mornings during term time. Learn more about the Playgroup and how to get involved.
It Takes Two to Talk
Learn the skills to become your child’s most important communication teach. A popular parent training training program created by the Hanen Centre. Runs periodically through the year. Learn more about It Takes Two to Talk.
How to get support
If you or someone you know lives with vision impairment, please complete the form below to make an initial enquiry about the low vision services and support we can provide. Our Client Experience Team will contact you to discuss your individual needs both now and into the future.
If you are a provider and wish to refer a client, please use our low vision medical certificate (online referral form) to make your referral.