VisAbility clients at the Community Activity Centre spent months working on the ‘Tree of Life’, an intricate mosaic sculpture. Incorporating very small tiles, it was...
If you’ve got a condition which affects your sight, what better way than explain it to your friends than through a blind obstacle race? That’s...
VisAbility has created ‘How I Learn’ – a free tool to help young people with disabilities to advocate for their learning needs. It will empower...
It may look odd – a dog kitted out in an overall having his paws painted by a ten-year old girl, but it’s just one...
We’ve held our first ever ‘Test Drive a Guide Dog’ workshop in Western Australia, for young adults who may be considering a Guide Dog when...
VisAbility is committed in the support we offer to older Australians, ensuring our clients live the best possible life. In 2013, the Australian Government introduced...
Reunion stories can be so uplifting, when people meet as friends, form strong bonds, but then circumstances mean they lose touch before meeting again. At...
If you live with vision impairment, getting around is more difficult and can be a daunting prospect. But with some preparation and planning, travelling on...