Empowering Students in VisAbility’s How I Learn Project

Image of two girls, one brown haired and one blonde haired, smiling at the camera while in a garden.

Do you ever feel school is more difficult than it needs to be? Do you ever feel frustrated that teachers don’t seem to understand your learning needs?

VisAbility is creating a website to empower high-school students with disability to share their unique learning and accessibility needs with their teacher.

We want your help in creating the website!

We would love to hear about your school experience. Perhaps you have a teacher who is really great at making sure your learning needs are met. Or maybe you feel that your learning needs are not being met.

VisAbility is holding focus groups where we would like you to tell us about:

  • Your daily school routine
  • Your learning and accessibility needs. For example, I type my work instead of hand write or I sit towards the front of the classroom
  • What you wish your teachers knew about your learning needs
  • Provide advice on how you would like the website to look

All information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with your school. Your personal information, such as name and date of birth, will not be recorded. We are just interested in listening to your stories about school.

Everyone who takes part will go in the draw to win prizes including a helicopter ride around Perth, passes to indoor skydiving, movie vouchers and Adventure World passes!

Focus Groups

Image of three people sitting on a green couch, holding laptops and paper in their hands
Image of three people sitting on a green couch, holding laptops and paper in their hands

Three focus groups have been organised. Attend the session most convenient for you (you do not need to attend all three).

  • Saturday 20 October, 10.30am. Mandurah Lotteries House, Suite 9, 7 Anzac Place, Mandurah 6210.
  • Saturday 20 October, 2.30pm. VisAbility Head Office, 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park 6100.
  • Saturday 27 October, 10.30am. Joondalup Lotteries House, 70 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup 6027.

What will the focus group look like?

  • It will include about five high school students just like you.
  • It will take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Some time will be spent thinking on your own, and some time will be spent brainstorming in the group.
  • If there is anything you do not want to share in the group, you can write it down or tell the facilitator separately.
  • Snacks will be provided!

If you would like to get involved in shaping the future of VisAbility’s services, consider joining one of our Client and Carer Reference Groups.