How old were you when you bought a home and started your journey of independence? The average age of a first-time home owner is on...
Do you have a creative streak? Is there a hobby or interest which puts you in a peaceful state and lifts you? For Phil from...
Eating with other people is one of life’s simplest pleasures, whether that’s as a family, as a couple or with a large group. Many people...
A parachute accident led to the loss of sight in one eye for Jeremy Harry Harris. After months and months of rehabilitation he decided to...
To run a marathon involves dedication, commitment and energy. Neil Henderson, father of Patrick who is receiving therapy from VisAbility’s Children and Youth Services, has...
The VisAbility Biennial Awards acknowledges the achievements, success and personal goals reached by young people with a vision impairment. The kind generosity of four individuals...
A student volunteer at VisAbility has a hidden talent creating and producing comic books. Sixteen-year-old Thomas, who attends Christ Church Grammar School (link opens in...
We have a new look and direction and are refocusing on what we know best: providing support to people who are blind or vision impaired....
This year, VisAbility embarked on an exciting journey of discovery. We spoke to the people who matter most: our clients, their families and carers, our...
The EverAbility Group Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment Anna Presser as Chief Executive Officer. Anna joined EverAbility Group in 2018 and...