Make a referral

Applying for VisAbility services is easy. Fill in our online form below to apply for services or make a referral. You can also contact us to start your VisAbility journey today.

Please note that we have a waitlist for several services. Please complete this form to express your interest or to find out more and we will be in touch shortly.

Apply For Services (April 2023)
Please note that forms marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Please let us know which best describes you:*
Is the person being referred aware of and has consented to this referral?*

Before submitting this form the referrer must ensure that the client is aware of and has consented to being referred to VisAbility. A referral cannot be submitted or accepted without consent.

Client details

Address line 1
Address line 2
Suburb / Town
This will be automatically calculated.
Australian residency status*
Is an interpreter needed to communicate with the client?*
Funding sources for referral (if applicable)

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Disability and Health Information

Swallowing/Choking (Dysphagia)

Are there any difficulties with swallowing (dysphagia), such as choking, coughing, or feeling like food is stuck in your throat?

Positive Behaviour Support

Are there any Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) plans currently in place for the individual?

Maximum file size: 5MB

Name of person completing the form

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Privacy Collection Notice

EverAbility Group Ltd is collecting your personal information so we can respond to your enquiry. You can read more about how we deal with your personal information in our Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy which you can access via the EverAbility website.
