A Tale of Canine Companionship: Embracing the Journey of Growing Up with Ellie and Remus

Line drawing of an old house. Text reads: Celebrating 102 years in 2023. Braille dots and text reads: Dickinson Memorial Literary Competition. Author: Jayde Abbott

A Tale of Canine Companionship: Embracing the Journey of Growing Up with Ellie and Remus

Tick, tick, tick, tock.

I hear the sound of the large, wooden clock chime the hour, reminding me that morning has dawned.

I crawl from my blankets so cuddly and warm, and stretch out wide and let out a loud yawn. The woman waddles in, her stomach bulbous and round, and bends to open my crate door that is on the ground.

I wag my tail excitedly, my tongue pink, wiggling between my sharp puppy teeth.

The door is now open, I believe I am free.

I bounce around on the pads on my feet, my nose, twitching, as I smell my breakfast that is set down in front of me.

I need to sit, and wait my time, until the clock lets out another chime. I whimper as I gobble down the warm food, licking my lips as I take in the last piece.

I crawl to the door with my belly so full.

Now, outside I go for my morning pee, as I am as good, as good can be.

I roll on the grass before coming inside, and settle back in my cozy basket for a most needed nap.

I wake to the sound of the woman on the phone. Did she, or didn’t she, just leave me home alone?

I yelp and I yap to get her attention, but she only looks over, and doesn’t even give me a mention.

I try growling, and howling and scratching the door, and finally she puts down that phone call.

And I outside I go for another play, then back inside for another small sleep.


Tick, tick, tock, there goes the wooden clock.

I crawl out of my blankets and push open the door, and am greeted with a wailing call.

The baby has woken and I am tempted to hide, but I am awake now and must abide.

The woman grumbles as she carries the baby swaddled and warm, and I realise that I’m not the youngest any more.

I sit on my mat waiting for my food, but the woman doesn’t give me any so I lie with my head on my paws.

I wait, and I wait, until the man arrives.

I jump and I squeal and am finally satisfied.

Now I run with a tummy of food, outside through the swinging door to do my poo.

As I come inside the infant does scream, and the woman sighs, and even starts to cry.

She can’t make it stop.

She has only had practice from looking after me, but I’m not a human infant, I’m just a puppy.

As I settle in after sniffing around, peace and quiet has hit the ground.


Tick tock, tick tock, I start to hate that bliming clock.

I want it to stop, I want it to stop.

But unfortunately, it won’t stop and it chimes that hour once more.

I stretch, stick out my nose, then lick my paw.

I’m getting too big for this crate, I think, as I wiggle my out.

Not more than a minute later, I am met with the infant’s chubby hand. It pokes and pulls, and I yelp and nip and back away.

I get told off and get pushed away, I guess no one does want to play.

I take off through my door to the world outside, and I hope there will be some place I can hide.

I find a patch of grass in the sun, and drop to my belly and roll for fun.

Maybe growing up is what i was supposed to do, I think as I fall asleep.


Tick, Tock!

Oh no, the child is walking, oh, and talking.

I have no way of hiding, no way of getting away, and all the child wants is to play, play, play!

My face has been smacked, my tail has been pulled, I’ve yelped and I’ve yapped but nothing seems to work.

He runs and he squeals and is catching up fast, but I believe that I am much faster than them chubby legs.

I can jump, I can fly, and at last, I can find somewhere to hide!


Tickety tock, tickety tock, hello Mr. clock!

I have my bow that is not hidden away, and before school, the boy likes to play.

We play fetch and tug, then sit on the rug, while he eats his breakfast and drink from a mug.

Then off they rush out the door, with me in tow we walk off to the school.

I get all the attention when we reach the gates, but that’s only if we’re not running late.

Then the woman and I take our leisurely run, which I do think is oh so fun!

Then home we trot and I take another nap, while she does her work with my head in her lap.

At quarter passed four we leave the door, and head back to the school to watch the football practice.

Then after the game we stop for some food, and does all put us in such a great mood.

Tock tock tock!

Oh, do I love that damned old clock.

I am getting older and my fur is a bit scraggly, but that doesn’t damper my oh so happy. The boy is now tall and sounds like a man, and is growing fur like me under his chin.

Sometimes he plays too rough with me, but I am his dog, so I’ll let it be.

I’ve grown bored of playing but still like to run, and lay on the grass under steaming hot sun.

The teen is always busy but that’s okay, because I know that someday I’ll get back to play.


Tick, tick, tick, the clock does not chime.

My body is old and my breathing is labored, but I know they’ll be fine when I go. I came to this earth to spread love and joy, and now I know that he is no little boy.

My job is done, I’ve guided him through, and now I look up and can see the spread out blue.

My time has come, to say my goodbye.

But I know they’ll join me when they have lived their long lives.